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Adding Tooltips

You can provide more information about a badges' meaning, or anything else you wish to display on hover as a tooltip. To add a tooltip, simply add it to the badgesConfig for the badge under the tooltip key.

Simple Tooltips

For basic use cases, you can simple add a string containing the value of the tooltip on hover:

import type { Preview } from '@storybook/[your-framework]';

const preview: Preview = {
//...other preview config
parameters: {
//...other parameters
badgesConfig: {
MyCustomBadge: {
title: 'My Custom Badge',
tooltip: "This is a custom tooltip."

export default preview;

Advanced Tooltips

storybook-addon-badges tooltips use Storybook's built-in tooltips under the hood which allow for greater customisation of the content.

Instead of a string, you can pass in an object containing some or all of the following properties:

  • title - Displays as a heading to the tooltip. Accepts ReactNode which can be a plain string, a React component, or an array of both.
  • desc - Displays as the main content of the tooltip. Accepts ReactNode which can be a plain string, a React component, or an array of both.
  • links - An array of clickable links. This is an array of objects with the following properties:
    • title - The text to display
    • href - The URL to link to on click
    • onClick - A function that is called when the link is clicked.
import type { Preview } from '@storybook/[your-framework]';

const preview: Preview = {
//...other preview config
parameters: {
//...other parameters
badgesConfig: {
MyCustomBadge: {
title: 'My Custom Badge',
tooltip: {
title: "This tooltip has a title and links!",
desc: "You can customise the content of the tooltip, and even pass in a custom React component",
links: [
{ title: 'Read more', href: 'http://path/to/your/docs' },
{ title: 'Leave feedback', onClick: () => alert('thanks for the feedback') },

export default preview;