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Create Custom Badges

While any string that you pass in to the badges parameter will be turned into a badge, this will use the default badge style and therefore if adding many custom badges these will all look the same.

To add custom badges, you can use the badgesConfig parameter to define text to display. Simply pass in the key which you will use to identify the badge to the badgesConfig key of parameters. You will also need to provide a title which is the text that will be displayed in the custom badge.

You can also add custom styles and a custom tooltip for each badge for full customisation.

import type { Preview } from '@storybook/[your-framework]';

const preview: Preview = {
//...other preview config
parameters: {
//...other parameters
badgesConfig: {
MyCustomBadge: {
title: 'My Custom Badge',

export default preview;
Using Typescript?

You can get type completion using the BadgesConfig type:

import type { Preview } from '@storybook/[your-framework]';
import type { BadgesConfig } from 'storybook-addon-badges';

const preview: Preview = {
//...other preview config
parameters: {
//...other parameters
badgesConfig: {
MyCustomBadge: {
title: 'My Custom Badge',
} satisfies BadgesConfig;

export default preview;

Using the BADGE map

storybook-addon-badges provides a BADGE export that allows using a pre-defined map of the badge names to ensure only defined badges are used, and provide completion with typescript.

To allow extending the default BADGE, as well as usage within js files this is just a simple object mapping a key to a string.

To provide your own map, you can either create your own object, or extend the existing one to make use of the pre-defined badges.

import { BADGE } from 'storybook-addon-badges';

const BADGES = {
MY_CUSTOM_BADGE: 'MyCustomBadge'